Friday, October 16, 2009

Funny Halloween Witch Jokes

Q: Why did the witch stand up in front of the audience?
A: She had to give a screech.

Q: What is a witch with poison ivy called?
A: An itchy witchy.

Q: Why did the witch's mail rattle?
A: It was a chain letter.

Q: What is a witch's favourite subject?
A: Spelling.

Q: Why does a witch ride on a broom?
A: Vacuum cleaners have to be plugged into the wall.

Q: What happens to a fast witch on a slow broom?
A: She flies off the handle.

Q: Why do witches think they're funny?
A: Every time they look in the mirror, it cracks up.

Q: What does a sorceress wear?
A: A bewitching outfit.

Q: What did the bat say to the witch's hat?
A: You go on ahead. I'll hang around for a while.

Q: Who has a broom and flies?
A: A jelly-covered janitor.

Q. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?
A. A sand-witch.

Q. What do you call a witch's garage?
A. A broom closet.

Q. What do you call two witches living together?
A. Broommates.

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